Monday, April 26, 2010


For all of you out there that let your kids help out in the kitchen...

AND, the cupcakes that you make look a bit like a bakery!!! well, that may be exaggerating it a bit, but you get the picture. the flavor i got was vanilla, but they also had a chocolate flavor as well. You can pile it up as HIGH as you want to. So stinkin' fun!

on another note, my sis is having FRESH milk delivered to her door - in colorado that is - for those of you who live in KY, have you heard of a place that does this? i would LOVE to have milk delivered here :-). who doesn't like a package outside the door? much less every week???

1 comment:

Laura Huntley said...

I am soooo asking for this in our next care package from home!!!!! My Sunday School class will LOVE it. I hope you are well. I love seeing what is going on with you on your blog. Miss you guys!