Friday, May 28, 2010


So, this morning I just had to blog. I am finishing up my "believing god" bible study that I started some 3 years ago (hehe) and I re-read the story of Moses and Joshua. Joshua was moses' right hand man. Beth Moore was describing the tent of meeting, (which I sometimes wish we could physically see a cloud over a tent to know that it's GOD we are hearing from instead of our own limited minds, but I digress...) Anywho, the tent of meeting was where Moses would go to speak with GOD. However, Exodus 33:7 says, "anyone inquiring of the LORD would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp.". However, what we see happen is way different. What is recorded next is that everyone watched Moses from AFAR when he would approach the tent. Isn't that what we do?!?! We look at the Beth Moore's and the Jon Weece's and the Creflo Dollar's of this day and age and WATCH them draw near the glory of GOD? Why do we settle for a secondhand relationship?!?! Seriously?!?!

So, at that point, I laid my bible down and just started praying. We have a friend that is going through some tough times right now, so I started by just praising God that I know he is working in and through that situation and that we had NOT put him in a box - even in this HUGE deal... then I just started telling God that I didn't want to any longer just stand on the side lines watching, that I was ready... and I had closed my eyes and I heard this sweet sound... for some reason, I asked Jason this morning what the weather looked like today (and I was even in the garage and could see for myself?!?) His reply was, "well, it looks like rain." DUH! I don't know why it mattered to me today - we don't have any outdoor activities planned. So, back to the sound... what I heard was a slow hum, and when I opened my eyes, I looked out that it was just slow DRENCHING rain, followed by a very loud thunder. And immediately it was symbolic to ME, specifically to ME at that time. I have been slowly being poured in to and this morning was like THUNDER to me. Let's no longer settle for being secondhand. Let's make the effort, let's do this for REAL! AMEN?!?!?!

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