Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Well, we'll start this with the breakfast of champions. Leigha was craving this - ice cream on top of a toasted cinnamon pop-tart. DD and I used to have this for breakfast in high school - after the sugar ban was over!!! We all had to get a bite of it because it was soooo good!

McKenna and Riley have had some fun times together, so I'll post all of theirs together. They are too cute!

This is the outfit that McKenna and Riley picked out for Nanny to wear. She was such a trooper and put it on to humor them. They did quite a good job :-).

We also went racing - of which is always a fun trip :-). Wanted to share a cute picture of Sara Kate watching the racing - and a picture of the sheer delight that Papa has racing these cars :-).

Also wanted to share with you all how Reed has changed - all of his dark hair is mostly gone and it's slowing being replaced by blonde/reddish fuzz!

Someone visiting with us noticed that each member of our family had a pair of crocs on - so we thought it would be fun to get all our crocs together and take a picture. This cracks me up!!!

And - to show you how we are wearing out the youngest....


Shannon Sampson said...

i love it!! thanks for keeping the posts updated... i feel like i am in on the fun! If we have internet access at the beach, i'll try to post some pics this week. we'll see you when we return :)

beth spray said...

I love the shoes picture!! Too funny. The kids look like they are having a blast. I know Wayne and Judy are loving every minute of it!! Wish we could be there, too!!