Thursday, February 23, 2006

Wednesday fun...

Jack visited with us today - he's such a good baby. Wakes up so happy!!! This is a picture of him right after a nap. I remember Riley waking up and all he could think about was eat, eat, eat. Not so with this kiddo. All he has is smiles for you! Amazing!

I didn't have any other pictures to post, so I did something fun with some of the other pictures I've taken in the past. Jason, hopefully you'll enjoy.

Ruth came over tonight to watch a movie. We watched Elizabethtown and we'd heard that it wasn't so good. Well, it wasn't awful, but not the best either. I cried, so that says something! Oh, and Riley and I had a date night last night and went to Chilis - Shannon, by past experiences still stand. Salsa was not a thumbs up!

Hope you all have a good day!!! OH, and DD, thanks for setting us up on the BeautiControl stuff. You are the woman!

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